On Wednesday, Feb. 22, at Allen Elementary, SBEF held our inaugural Lego Robotics Competition, featuring Lego Robotics teams of 5th graders from each of our elementary schools! Congrats to all the students who worked hard and had fun on the challenges! We have so many people and organizations to thank for making this event possible: Artichoke Joe‘s and matching community …
2/24: Rollingwood Community Pride Project Day
Join SBEF as we show the Rollingwood Elementary campus some love in its last year! We’ll be having a Community Pride Project Day on Friday, Feb. 24, 3-5:30pm, before Rollingwood’s Founders’ Day event that evening. We plan to spruce up the campus with a particular focus on painting on and around the blacktop area. Please wear clothing appropriate for the …
SBEF Receives $15,000 Grant For A Mural at Parkside
SBEF is gearing up for another big project — a mural at our intermediate school, Parkside! We were honored to have Malissa Netane-Jones, Board President of the San Bruno Community Foundation, join our February board meeting and present a $15,000 grant for SBEF to lead this effort. Thank you to the Community Foundation for this grant and for …
Support SBEF Directly, As AmazonSmile Comes To An End
Amazon has announced it will end its AmazonSmile program at the end of February. The program allowed shoppers to choose SBEF as their charity of choice, and 0.5% of their AmazonSmile-eligible purchases were donated to SBEF to help fund music, science and other enrichment programs for San Bruno students. For the past few years, SBEF has raised up to …
Submit Your Feedback on the City’s Draft Safe Routes to School Plan
The City of San Bruno has released its draft Safe Routes to School plan! Review the plan and submit your feedback here by 11/7. You can also register to attend the final virtual Community Workshop about the Safe Routes to School plan next Tues., 10/25, 6-7:30pm. Let’s make it safer to walk, roll or bike to school …
Take a Book, Leave a Book at SBEF’s Little Library at City Park
If you’re visiting City Park, check out San Bruno’s newest Little Library, brought to you by SBEF and the City of San Bruno! You’ll find our Little Library right between the two big playgrounds. A big thanks to the City of San Bruno’s Recreation Division for helping us with placement and installation. Take a book, leave a book, and let’s …
5 Reasons To Join A PTA When You Don’t Have A Child At That School
Did you know that you can join a school’s PTA — or make a donation — even if you don’t have a child who attends school there? That’s right; anyone can join a school’s PTA or PTO, or make a donation. And both PTA memberships and donations are tax deductible! Parent-teacher organizations are important because they support special school events, …
Join Your School’s PTA!
Have you joined your school’s PTA or PTO yet? Join your school’s parent-teacher organization, and you will: Stay informed about school happenings Connect with other families Support special school events, assemblies and field trips for your children Fund classroom supplies and campus beautification And more! Did you know that grandparents, aunts, uncles and neighbors can join the PTA or make …
STEM Fair 2023: Join Our Online Info Session 10/1
Is your 5th-8th grader into science or math? SBEF will be hosting a STEM Fair in early 2023! Register for our online info session this Saturday morning, Oct. 1, 9-10am, to learn how we’ll guide kids through the process of designing and executing their own STEM project. Register here.
Join Us For A Back-To-School BBQ
Kick off the school year with a free BBQ at Beckner’s Shelter in San Bruno Park and get to know what’s going on in our schools! Meet other parents, your school’s parent-teacher organizations, the San Bruno Education Foundation, and the new Superintendent Matthew Duffy. We’ll have: Food & drinks Music Entertainment Information on opportunities to engage with and support your …