SBEF Supports Panther Pride Day!

SBEF had a great time at Panther Pride Day at Parkside on Feb. 10!

This event was targeted at families with incoming 6th graders in the fall, but all school families were welcome to learn about and celebrate San Bruno’s only middle school.

Over 350 people attended, and they were able to take tours of the school, see musical performances, meet the Parkside principal, and learn about the school’s extracurricular activities.

SBEF would like to thank all the individuals and groups who put this event together, including:

  • Parkside Principal Dr. Nagy
  • Michelle Graham & the San Bruno Park School District
  • Parkside Boosters
  • Portola parent Michelle Toft Graham for organizing the STEM fair presentations
  • Parkside music teachers

SBEF was happy to provide lunch to all the families who came to Panther Pride Day.