Meet Our Board: Steven Rose

Steven Rose has been volunteering with the San Bruno Education Foundation since 2014. First he joined as webmaster, then joined the Board in 2015 as Vice President and later transitioned to Secretary, a role he has filled for the past two years.

Steven is responsible for carrying out critical behind-the-scenes work for the SBEF. One of his early accomplishments was transitioning SBEF to an online, paperless back office. This allowed a level of internal transparency and organization that enabled SBEF to receive the GOLD Seal of Transparency from GuideStar this year. He is currently working on a District-wide project to bring the same capability to every parent-teacher organization early next year. In 2015, he led the organization’s first-ever rebranding effort, and supported our recent branding this past summer.

“Finding ways to serve my local community is important to me, and SBEF is where I feel I can have the biggest impact,” Steven says.

Steven is a Google software engineer who works on complex data analytics. He lives in San Bruno with his wife, mom and daughter.

Learn about our other board members here.